
Public Sector- Aviation- GSA

Air National Guard Alert Hangar Program


MARKET: Public Sector, Aviation
CLIENT: Air National Guard Headquarters
END USE: Ready Alert Hangars to house F-15 and F-16 fighter jets for intercept purposes
SIZE: 42 hangars; 6,840 square feet each
LOCATION: 11 different locations

Following the September 11th terrorist attacks in the United States, numerous Air National Guard (ANG) units were tasked with defending the homeland air space. They needed a large number of hangars to protect F-15 and F-16 fighter jets on many air bases in a short period of time. The buildings were designed, engineered, and supplied by BlueScope’s Heavy Structures group and BlueScope Construction was the turnkey general contractor working with locally-based BlueScope Buildings North America Builders to construct the projects at each location. To save fabrication and construction time and cost, the hangars were all given the same design: a single slope building, with no ridge. Any hangar could be sloped in the best direction for water run-off on each site. The design utilized only six primary and secondary steel parts per hangar to expedite fabrication and shipment from BlueScope Buildings North America manufacturing plants. All of these elements allowed the ANG to adjust locations for the buildings until the last minute without affecting delivery.

The first 30 hangars needed to be substantially complete in 30 days to ensure they would be operational before winter weather set in. The remaining 12 hangars were allowed longer schedules. All projects were functional on schedule.