
Industrial Manufacturing

Steel Products Manufacturing Facility


MARKET: Industrial Manufacturing
CLIENT: Turner Construction Company
END USE: Manufacturing Plant
SIZE: 460,000 square feet
LOCATION: Tanner, Alabama

BlueScope Construction worked closely with the architect and general contractor to develop the best structural solution for this $500 million premium steel products foundry. The facility has remelting, forging and associated finishing and testing capabilities.

BlueScope Construction designed and engineered all structural systems including all crane runways, and support structures. The buildings all contain multiple cranes which are intended to operate simultaneously in daily production operations.

The BlueScope Construction design was a hybrid building solution comprised of heavy mill steel columns and beams along with BlueScope pre-engineered components combined to reduce tonnage of steel by 15%. This resulted in significant project budget reduction for the facility.

BlueScope Construction also provided all steel erection services with our in-house crews. Our on-site crew received an award for outstanding safety performance.

Steel erection was completed in nine months from start to enclosed facility. Facility completed six months early.